Fred Lucas
Investigative Reporter
Fred Lucas is The Daily Signal's White House correspondent. He previously worked for Cybercast News Service as an investigative reporter/staff writer. Prior to joining, Fred worked as a political reporter for The News-Times in Danbury, Conn. and before that for The State Journal in Frankfort, Ky., reporting on corruption scandals, state political campaigns and the 2004 presidential race. He has done freelance work for The Weekly Standard, Human Events and The American Spectator. Fred holds an M.S. in journalism from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.
My Articles
Health Care Groups to Congress: Restrict Funding of Office of Medicare Chief Who Advocated Rationing
October 5, 2010 | 7:29pm EDT
October 1, 2010 | 4:58pm EDT
September 30, 2010 | 2:33pm EDT
IRS Can’t Verify Obama's Claim That Bush Tax Cuts Go to Americans Making ‘Up to More Than a Billion’
September 29, 2010 | 5:13pm EDT
September 27, 2010 | 4:05am EDT